My husband has cut the side & front off our conifer so we are left with the ends of cut off branches sticking up which looks awful., can anyone suggest a way to make it look better.,maybe planting a climber to cover the cut branches?
Why did your husband do the cutting? To make more light? Conifers are acid-loving plants so, whilst I would agree that the simple answer is to plant a climber, you need to pick carefully. Also take into account that the tree will take up a lot of water, so a climbing plant needs to be tolerant of dry soil to a fair extent. I don't know enough about the options, really, but I agree with perhaps a Clematis, a very vigorous one.
Roses kiftsgate, or rambling rector will cover a large tree really quickly...
If left unchecked will get massive but glorious they don't care where they are planted.
With conifers especially, you don't really want to leave branch stubs. They should not be cut flush to the stem but just beyond where the collar bulges from the stem. In time, it should heal over and look more natural.
I agree Clematis is a good choice, also check out tricalowspernum jasminoides (star Jasmine)