They said on the news earlier he was looking pale. I thought he was looking normal and quite healthy. He should try to stay off the sunbed when he gets out.
Even if I ever became courageous naomi (“ If ever he finally musters up the courage to put his money where his mouth is for once we might find out“), if ever I ceased to be this lily-livered coward, skulking in corners, sobbing with fear..
Even then, mrs.naomi (note the nod to the womens’ non-liberation movement), even then You Wouldn’t Get It.
Would one of the Trumpophiles like to comment on the wisdom of a man infected woth coronavirus making an unnecessary journey in a hermatically sealed box with a group of uninfected staff?
It's too late. Trump never learned the meaning of the word "no", never learned humility, and as a result is now the leader of a de facto cult of personality that would not be out of place in a dictatorship.
Is there no one to steer/stear this man, normally there is, lots of advisers, but sadly they have all been pre - programmed to just nod yes or no when required, other than that then he will destroy them.