I had a cat who went wild for Chinese chicken curry, she would actually steal it from the plate whilst we were trying to eat it, she hated Indian curries though.
My mum's cat will eat any kind of spicy chicken, the spicier the better, but he won't eat plain chicken. Oh, and my cat once stole an entire naan bread of the table and ran away with it, growling- it was one of those huge elephant tongue ones, about twice the size of the cat :)
All bar one of the dogs here like lemon sherbet sweets, happily cracking the boiled sugar shell to get the sherbet.Something wrong with the other one, then ! Mind, she likes curry and goes wild for bananas.
My cats like any meat that's been in a curry, one likes raw green beans too - I used to have a cat that went mad for extra strong mints. You either had to give him a bit or breathe heavily in his face - he loved it!
Caspar loves any kind of crisps....he smells them a mile away....and comes howling. He also likes biscuits like jammy dodgers, and goes mad for sponge fingers....I once had to throw away half a pack after he'd had his nose in it.
My cat Fluffy (original I know) likes chow mein noodles, curry, salt and vinegar square crisp and shawarma meat from a wrap! If that's not weird then I'm a monkeys a auntie.