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jennyjoan | 13:56 Thu 22nd Oct 2020 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
I get upset when I see anybody crying.

Twice I watched the news this week and a young girl and husband (have 6 children) had just opened a pub (my previous local). They had only opened at the end of the previous lockdown and then were forced to close for this second lockdown. The girl was crying.

Then watched whilst another man (coach driver) wept cos his family owned coach business has collapsed.

There is so much knock-on effect with this pandemic.


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Two very sad instances of this ruddy pandemic there jj. My heart bleeds for them. Will it never end??
More tear to come I am afraid.
Sad times jj. So much pressure on lots of people. All we can do is follow the guidelines and hope for the best . A wee prayer if you ( or anyone else ) feels inclined .
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I know there is Sparkly and I also know there will be a massive surge of suicides which I've heard two young lads in the last two weeks. My heart bleeds for them all. I'm so glad I am retired as I certainly couldn't cope with the face coverings in work.

I called to a chippy last night and had the mask but it was down my face when I ordered, the guy said "where is your mask". I have it right here (there was a screen behind us). I told him I depended on lip reading - you know what, he had to pull his mask down and said "what was that".
Two businesses in the village have had a very different covid experience. One , poor girl, opened a hair salon just before lockdown and can't get a penny from the government despite being made to close. The other, well to do retired couple ( both professionals on a private pension), who do the occasional B&B ,got a £10,000 government cash grant for lost income during the time they had to close, they don't even do B&B full time. I know this is true as it's a relative of my OH. Its disgraceful
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Last time I visited my hairdresser I was the only customer and she was usually swamped and I've heard they are still not doing well and my haunch is they won't open again. I hope I'm wrong.
I don't even need to see people crying. Last week in my nearish region a family of six were involved in a car crash and the mum, and 3 of the kids were killed. Everytime I think about the poor dad and baby I well up
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that's so sad Bednobs
I'd cry too.

I'm quite toughed skinned but I can't watch someone cry without my eyes leaking.
I too cry whenever I see people crying. I also think of that poor dad who lost three children and his wife in that car crash.

RSPCA ads with suffering dogs, cats and donkeys make me leave the room.
Near here, bednobs. Only the dad and youngest toddler survived....
It's not a bad thing, JJ, to have empathy. We could do with more sometimes.

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