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A Puppy To Make You Smile

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pastafreak | 18:22 Thu 22nd Oct 2020 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
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LOL..LOL..LOL..get it?
Indeed - but not often enough...
Got it, did poppy?
She did David in the back of an ambulance allegedly.
Just goes to show all that starched cotton as s just for show, I did patient escort to the London and asked if they were having a historical event only to be told that was their normal uniform.... Have to say most of bad behaviour happened in theatres, lots of storage cupboards and long nights on call, I am sure the gases were disinhibiting. as well
Having known two theatre sisters, both separately and simultaneously, I doubt they needed much disinhibiting...
A few years ago I was the third amiga with two senior managers at the hospital. One night they went out without me and drank 8 bottles of wine between the two of them. They both turned up for work the next day absolutely hanging. The Clinical Director who shared an office with them offered to put them both on drips while they sat at their desks but they agreed it wouldn't be a good look if the Chief Exec turned up unannounced so he offered to stick them in the cupboard!
So sad that people would think this is something to be desired. I am sure if they advertised green puppies people would flock to buy them. There are so many blue Staffies advertised as rare yet they outnumber regular colours many times over.

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