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Just Got Wrong Off Mr B :0(

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Bobbisox1 | 14:01 Sat 31st Oct 2020 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
For dipping my mini Mars bar into my coffee

Are you a serial dunker? I am :0))))


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Nasty in a yukky way Mozz hehe
Nasty in a tea soaked way lol
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Err coffee ( hate tea ) x

Mars Bars dunked in a hot choc sounds pretty good to me.

(Don't worry about the tea, nobody's perfect!)
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Aww fanks Mozz :0)

You're welcome!
No hate dunking food in drinks.
Was really frowned upon growing up.
Chocolate is not a good dunker.
Latest fad is Freddoes dunked in tea and sucked slowly. But the best ever is to bite off diagonal corners of a Penguin and dip bitten off corner in tea, then suck it up through the opposite corner and it all melts in your mouth! Heaven.
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MM, Of course it was frowned upon and like yourself my Dad was from the Military and a loving father but the stiff upper lip was there, but he's not here now so dunking my Mars bar is fun :0)
Nope can’t bring myself to do it, a bit like drinking from a pint glass!
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Mmm, can't do that either, I agree :0(

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Just Got Wrong Off Mr B :0(

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