I have just moved into a one bedroomed flat which used to have storage heaters fitted, but these were taken out by the previous owner who I assume used their own portable heaters. What would be the best way for me to proceed now. I don’t like to be cold so think perhaps storage heaters aren’t a good idea for me as I need to be able to increase the heat when I want. It’s a sheltered housing block of flats, 11 years old.
Advice appreciated.
I've got one of these in my living room and I'm happy to recommend it: https://www.machinemart.co.uk/p/clarke-2-5kw-black-oil-filled-radiator/ (Also available in white: https://www.machinemart.co.uk/p/clarke-2-5kw-oil-filled-radiator-ofr-13250/ )
Ive spoken to my new neighbour and she has a radiator attached to a timer. However the cost was over £900 and I thought there must be something cheaper.When I moved in the scheme manager wasn’t very forthcoming about what to use - it’s independent living so we are supposed to make our own arrangements
I would recommend Chris's suggestion. I have one that I keep for emergencies and they are brilliant. Even on a low setting they throw out an amazing amount of heat and are not expensive to run.