Magnesium sulfate paste under a dressing for a couple of days then use the fucsidic acid cream would be what I would do combined with soaking it in warm salt water to clean it between dressing changes. If it starts to track down your finger phone your go because you might need oral antibiotics A good degunk and keeping it clean will probably be enough
If you feel well in yourself, no aching or temperature then other than ibuprofen for the nothing, leave well alone.
However,if you are a diabetic or have any serious underlying health condition, then contact your GP.
No big deal at the moment, but if you start to develop a temperature or feel hot then contact your GP
No i did deffo mean cm (not mm) which I don’t think is huge but then again I guess a finger tip isn’t big so it’s a fair portion of the tip (ps it’s vertical cut not horizontal)
By deep I dunno how deep but it’s down to the “pulpy” fleshy part. And boy did it bleed!!! Still bleeding on n off today - 4 days later.
Not worried about it healing up (I tend to heal well and fast) but it’s mainly that I don’t want it to get infected (which it possibly already is slightly)
Sqad ty for enquiring via another thread. Happy to report swelling and stiffness down. Keeping it clean and also padded cos it’s the tip anything I accidentally bump makes it bleed again). All in all no concerns now so thanks for everyone’s sensible answers. In hindsite I perhaps Shldve had a stitch or 2 (cos of the depth of cut) but all is well that ends well.