teacacke @ 13.55:
/Regarding their concern for wealth / businesses / workers, there would be more off work sick or dead, than in work./
One example of supermarket workers near me, is that since March, absenteeism has noticeably reduced. Just absenteeism. No mention of Covid. None of the staff, up to now, has tested positive for Covid since March. With all the so-called footfall in the supermarket, it would seem probable that the staff there would be more vulnerable than most. And this is in a town where the infection rate is one of the highest in the country. It's also a supermarket where the staff take on the mantel of Covid Camp Guards.
Anyhow people, if you aint happy about the situation, just do as I do and carry on as normal as you can. I have so far. I won't be locked down and dictated to.
Oh dear! Waits for all the precious, scaredy cat comments.