What would be the best way to drink without vomiting? It's kind of a weird and slightly embarrassing question, but as of late, no matter how much alcohol I consume in one night I don't feel tipsy or jolly or any of the positive effect booze does to lighten the mood, all it seems to do (and this is in special ocassions when I drink beyond my usual 'intentionally do not want to be drunk' limit) for me is make me feel nauseous at the end of the night. So any tips on how to enjoy a jolly night out? Should I eat well before I drink or leave an empty stomach? I mix my drinks by so does everyone else it seems.
Mix in a few non-alcohol drinks during the evening say every third drink and see what happens. If you eat before drinking make sure it's nothing to spicy.
Just one of those things.
Sometimes you can have 10 pints and feel sober, others you'll have 4 and feel p1ssed.
i often find that the day after a big night, I can't seem to get drunk, however much I drink.
it might be that I'm not drinking as quickly as usual, it might be that I'm half dead already. I don't know.