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I'm Free!!!

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LadyCG | 09:51 Mon 30th Nov 2020 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
Following 10 days of isolating after my positive Covid result, I'm now free to leave the house!!

My OH and son must continue to isolate until Friday.

I think I'll go to Mark & Spencer and buy a box of their Salted Caramel Pine Cones as a little treat for us all.

I can't wait to take the little one down the park on Friday.


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Over 20 posts, on a thread titled "I'm Free!!!" and nobody seems to have posted the obvious yet! Oh well, I suppose that someone's got to do it, so it might as well be me ;-)
19:34 Mon 30th Nov 2020
Wow re the letter! Didn’t know that sort of thing went out. So did u have symptoms theb? What made u get a test? We waiting for my husbands result (tested today) tho tbh I think it’s likely just a “normal”virus.
I can understand how you feel! Enjoy your freedom.
Over 20 posts, on a thread titled "I'm Free!!!" and nobody seems to have posted the obvious yet!

Oh well, I suppose that someone's got to do it, so it might as well be me ;-)

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