The past few days I have had an annoying tonsil stone/tonsillitis, a horse voice, and itchy eye that needed drops, and now a tickly cough. I’ve had a Piriteze. I also had indigestion slightly last night and this morning, so I was wondering whether my symptoms could be linked with GERD? I am really hoping they are not linked with Covid. I don’t have a runny nose. I also don’t have a temperature and taste/smell are okay. I can use my asthma inhaler but it doesn’t seem to do much good.
I have very much the same except the tonsil thing. I am putting it down to allergies in my case. To be honest it's very common for me. I also have post nasal drip which gives me a tickly cough, and sneeze constantly on some days. I have never worried that Covid has anything to do with it. Sterimar and eye drops help. I also have Gerd and IBS which, with me are due to food intolerances.
All seasons seem to give me allergies, from early spring through to late autumn. Mostly due to pollens and fungi. I have never worked out which particular pollens or trees/flowers/grasses are responsible. Living out the country I am surrounded!!!
Apc - I used to have dreadful hay fever and was advised to have a teaspoon of honey every morning. It had to be from a hive local to where I lived. I did it for one season and I’ve never had hay fever since. Worth a try. (I don’t like honey, but I stuck at it).