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Eureka !!! We Got Our Winter Fuel Payment This Morning

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Bobbisox1 | 08:47 Tue 15th Dec 2020 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Looking for something else in my bank and there it was, happy me :0)


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Mine's in too now, I use mine for my TV licence which is due in December !
i don't get my winter fuel allowance till next year
burley why don;'t you pay monthly, it doesn't seem so much then.
I prefer to do it this way emmie.
ok no worries, i found it annoying paying 147.50 all in one bash
You have to be on pension credit to get the fuel allowance if you live in a care home, also to get the Warm Home Discount (or on a low income for the latter).

Re the care home - it's not really reduced. If a couple living in their own home are both of pension age they get half each of what a single pensioner would get - and that is the same rate a care home resident gets.
"Alcohol widens your blood vessels, making more blood flow to your skin. That makes you blush and feel temporarily warm. The heat from that extra blood passes right out of your body, causing your temperature to drop"

But the room will get warmer so more can appreciate it ;~)
We got ours too yesterday!!
Barry @ 10.48 I don't think that's right.

//If you live in a care home

To qualify for the winter fuel payment if you live in a care home, you need to have been living there for 13 weeks or more (prior to the qualifying date, see above). Additionally, you must not be receiving income-based Jobseeker’s allowance, Pension credit, or income-related Employment and support allowance.

If you do qualify, the amount of your payment will be £100, or £150 if you are aged over 80. \\

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Eureka !!! We Got Our Winter Fuel Payment This Morning

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