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What Would You Like To Change About Yourself Physically , That Is

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Bobbisox1 | 22:45 Wed 23rd Dec 2020 | ChatterBank
74 Answers
I've got 32 inch inside legs measurement, giving way to people thinking I'm much taller than my 5'6", I think I would have liked a longer back and shorter legs :0/


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Bobbi, you don't want your legs too short or they won't reach the ground.
My nails are quite brittle so I'd like nicer nails but I'm happy with everything else.
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I'm happy with my legs , I can't change that but a wish isn't a complaint :0)
Hi Bobbs and all.I would'nt mind my hair growing back.
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Mamya spoke of poor eyesight ? 5 years ago I had lens implants as I had very poor eyesight too
Sparklykid, get a wig,lol
to be taller but that aint going to happen
Would like to lose a bit of weight, harder to do as you get older !
//5 years ago I had lens implants as I had very poor eyesight too..//

What's that exactly Bobbi?
To be honest, I am glad that you asked that question, as yes, there are just one or two minor changes.
I just wish that I was perhaps a little less charismatic, less in demand, so to speak, less adored. A trait that can be rather tiring and exhausting after the initial excitement.
Perhaps, if I looked back at the more mundane aspects of my life, I perhaps woul have chosen a smaller male sex organ as it seemed to have shortened,the explosive event which was so much appreciated............and by some women even.

Well, being handsome and charismatic is not all that is yearned for, but inthe spirit of this Yuletide on AB, I would like to share my physical attributes with those unfortunates that are clearly less endowed.
so modest too sqad
By jove Mr Sqad. A legend in your own imagination,lol.
sqad you forgot to mention you would like to change the size of your head lol x
well yes, I would like to be able to resort to my former self and not feel like The Three Monkeys when I retire to bed.

See no Evil - no glasses

Hear no Evil - no hearing Aid

Speak no Evil - no false teeth which have been replaced by implants.

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Baz, it's basically contact lens implanted onto the cornea , I now have really good vision but I wear specs which are almost plain glass because they're a part of me and I'm not me without them, I've worn them since I was 3 yrs old but now I have choices of fashionable glasses where before , I hadn't

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