Unless I just miss them, we seem to get very few polls on AB... which seems a shame. They could be really interesting as people can vote "anonymously" without having to explain if they didn't want to.
Most seem to be about politics (or motoring, sport- with the previous eds). But maybe I'm just extra nosey and would go for more personal questions, that people might not otherwise volunteer.
Like- have you ever had an affair? What religion are you? Do you agree with abortion/ contraception/ capital punishment? Do you believe in homeopathy? Would you pass an AB Lie Detector test? :-)... there are thousands of possibilities....
What would you choose to ask ABers to anonymously answer? X
"Would you pass an AB Lie Detector test? " That's the one that would really interest me, having been here for years and only present my real life persona I have lost count of the number of posters that I've wondered are they really real.