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Piers Morgan's Xmas

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Hopkirk | 13:31 Mon 11th Jan 2021 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Did Piers have the quiet restrained Christmas at home that he advised we all should have?


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Who knows - who cares Hoppy?
Let's hope Santa has taken him back to the North Pole for 12 months!
alavhalf - I'd give you the BA if I could lol
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I care, Maggie.

Don't forget Kay Burley is suspended from Sky News. She has no credibility challenging politicians when she flouted the regulations blatantly.
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Oh, by the way, Piers spent Christmas in Antigua.
It would be good if politicians were given a chance to cross examine and talk over Piers Morgan in a TV inteview about this
How I miss Kay Burley - not a lot.
I will repeat my answer submitted on a previous

He's a total ***.
There has been no one banging on about COVID as feverishly as Morgan. Total hypocrite who has spent almost a year trying to terrify a nation, he should be taken off the air.
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Thanks Many, I hadn't seen that.
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Piers Morgan's Xmas

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