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If You Could Go Back In Time What Year Would You Go To?

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EmilyAdkins1 | 13:39 Wed 27th Jan 2021 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
I would go back to the 1950s because I’ve always wanted to see Elvis irl for some reason.


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I would go back to the mid 50s. But wouldn't cause a paradox, if I made any changes ?
Hoppy I'm with you on that, I'd love to have been there as well
mozz: "And I've some unfinished business in 1986. " - hand of god?
1965 and onwards until 1972 because they were the best time of my life. Complete freedom to do what I wanted and so much fun, with no responsibilities. Wild and wonderful days.
If it was to relive a time in my own life, it would probably be 1976 - the long hot summer, I was in love and life was wonderful.

If it was to experience something, it would be the mid-fifties so I could experience the birth of rock and roll - seeing Little Richard with his makeup and his quiff and those screams, it must have been like aliens had landed!
1999 when Mum and Dad celebrated their Golden Wedding, we had such a lovely, lovely time.
Elvis irl?
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Yeah I wanna meet Elvis in real life
0018, To see what that sandle wearing hippy was on about in his own words.

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If You Could Go Back In Time What Year Would You Go To?

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