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jennyjoan | 16:16 Mon 01st Feb 2021 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
I am awaiting a call (as I thought it was about my virus vaccination) but have been told the call was actually about the Flu injection I was offered last year and refused. I have refused Flu injection all these years.

However, is it true that you need to have the Flu injection before you can get the virus one. Thanks


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No- not true
Not heard that. Nothing to do with each other as far as I know.
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ok - thanks I needed to know that
I think the advice given was that you should leave a few weeks gap between the flu and covid injections so, if you were going to have both, you should have the flu one as soon as possible to avoid having to delay the covid one.
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thanks BHG - if you read the post I don't ever have it ie the Flu.
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Yes, JJ, I read that you don't have the flu vaccination; I was trying to explain why you might have heard people saying you have to have the flu injection first when, what they really meant was, that you should have the flu injection ASAP IF you are going to have both.
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ok - thanks bhg
// However, is it true that you need to have the Flu injection before you can get the virus one. Thanks//
no it is not true

having the flu jab makes your chance of dying from COVID go DOWN. God knows why but in mega numbers, you can detect all sorts of odd and or unexpected effects
When I went for my AZ vaccination I was asked if I had been given any other vaccinations in the previous 7 days. Answer: No - so the subject was not taken further,
I had the OAZ vaccine on Saturday - the nurse asked if I had had ANY vaccinations in the past week, so it may be that they won't want to give flu & Covid vacs too close together.
official advice is to wait 14 days after flu vac before having covid vac

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