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Phone A Friend

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jennyjoan | 17:39 Sat 06th Feb 2021 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Up from 5 am. About 7.30pm australia. emailed my lovely friend for nearly two hours. i miss her so much. we always have great laugh. god i miss all my friends

Wiish this thing was over


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don't we all JJ. - My friend in Australia sometimes phones me, but she is getting on in years, 91 or so and so is increasingly frail. But i miss my family loads.
Yep, we're in this together now, I seriously miss my Tuesday night out with the girls
haven't seen brothers, sil's nephews, since August. not sure when we will get to meet next....
I look on the bright side - the grandchildren, nieces and nephews talk me a lot more over the phone than they ever do face to face :)
JJ, would you see your Australian friend in person if it weren't for the panademic? Do you go to Australia?
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Never never would go to aussie. Too far

Friend would be be over threre about 30 years now with 5 children and. 10 gchidren but she still hankers for home. Hubby died about 16 years ago
That's a long time to be homesick. Some old neighbours mine emigrated to Australia as £10 poms, couldn't settle so came home. Regretted it and went back, then came home again. I've lost track of them - wonder if they stayed here or emigrated to Australia again or elsewhere. Must try and track them down :)
It's a drag isn't it, JJ. And how much worse for folk living alone. Luckily Dave and I are both easy going and getting along fine but we were chatting last night about how much more difficult it is for those alone. Nobody to share the little things with, beat at Only Connect or even have an argument with!
We watch TV and natter and banter about what we're watching. If I was alone I'd be talking to the coffee table!

You know lockdown's getting on your nerves though when you spend half a morning tidying the woodpile behind the shed. Just for a change from housework and knitting another hat.

Tomorrow's rugby won't be the same. No pint of G in Murphy's and pulling the legs of any poor Welsh tourists who happen to call in.

You take care now..... Gx
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Lockdown is getting on my nerves cos I do a wee bit cleaning, sit down, get up = make a cup a tea, sit down - do another bit - I'm getting on my own nerves.

I'm lucky to have Maxie to talk to and I know he thinks I'm an oul eejit when I do but he does do funny things.

When I put his jumper on, I pull it over his head - then he lifts one paw and puts into the hole and then lifts the other to put it into the other whole.

Then he constantly stares at me when it is dinner time reminding me. Him and I have do have a lovely conversation even tho it is mute LOL.
Well not much different from talking to some men then, JJ..... :-)
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Barry - life's events made my friend stay in Aussie, she went with a little girl of 3 years old just to give it a go but she never had any intention of staying there for good - she had about 4 bros out there. But she got pregnant out there and was too embarrassed to come back with another baby.

There ya go - gossipers ruining your life - she worried about them talking about her.

She worked in a Catholic school (run by nuns) - when she was pregnant with the first baby - head nun sent for her and said "I can get it adopted for you". My friend was only 21 but she told her to do one. But my friend was moved to another establishment to "hide" her pregnancy. She has had a tough life. Oh and she never got back to Belfast for the first 11 years of being in Australia - her sister's husband paid her fare (as a birthday present for his wife/her sister) since they hadn't seen each other for 11 years. And so it goes on.
Lol gness !!!
Well the last paragraph just struck so familiar, Zylaphone... :-)
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emmie - does your friend 91 have family there.

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