I recently ordered something and paid by credit card. I then made a balance transfer from the credit card to a 0% card. The order I made cannot be completed and has been cancelled and the payment is being refunded to the original credit card. When this refund is made there will be a credit balance on this account. I still owe this amount on the other card. Is there a way to get the money from the original credit card to pay it off the 0% card? Hope this is clear!
oh Kath - my neighbour is brilliant with your queries - I don't know what she is talking about half the time, but she says when it is near to paying off credit cards - "transfers" them to another card - think she is trying to say she tries to pay no interest. Never could I understand all that
if you have a credit balance, you can ask for it back (they used to send a cheque but im not sure if they still do these days)
Your problem will be of course that there will be more (amount + transfer fee) on the new card than you'll get for a refund of your oreder
It will have to go via your current account. Some credit cards are not permitted to have a credit balance and the money would be returned automatically to the account you make repayments from. If this does not happen within a few days, just give them a ring and request the return of the credit monies.
What confused me was your saying, "When this refund is made there will be a credit balance on this account. I still owe this amount on the other card."
Use the credit card with credit on to buy some stuff, use the money that you would have used to buy the stuff to pay off the amount you owe on the other credit card.