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I wasn't afraid of living or dying. I was afraid that my old dog would die (and he did) I was afraid that my older sisters would be ill but they have now both had first vac...but that's about it really.
18:18 Sat 20th Mar 2021
page gone.... never mind..
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I took it down there were overweight women at the bottom, not nice :0(
Mamy didya have to haha
I didn't add the buxom ladies, Roy can find his own ;-)
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^ hehe
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Yeh, so am I dear :0)
I wasn't afraid of living or dying. I was afraid that my old dog would die (and he did) I was afraid that my older sisters would be ill but they have now both had first vac...but that's about it really.
// From memory, it was more or less.
You may think you have spent the last year afraid of dying.
When in reality you've been afraid of living.//

from the Times letters this week: you wouldnt worry so much about what people think of you if you realised how seldom they DO think about you
airy fairy discussion on self esteem and self confidence
How did you take it down Bobbi ?
I imagine any image you upload you can then go on to remove Baz.
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Yes , you have the option to delete Baz

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