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Making Babies With A Stranger

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DarceyK123 | 00:02 Wed 24th Mar 2021 | Film, Media & TV
15 Answers
Did anyone watch this? Strangers who both want to co parent a child get together without the complications of a relationship or sex.

Quite interesting.


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It’s not very practical, if they are a stranger how do you know he’s not had the snip and just in it for the crack?
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What 'crack' would that be? Its all very clinical, no physical contact, doesn't sound like much fun to me.
But that’s just sperm donation and artificial Insemination which has been going on for over 40 years if not more, why is this different?
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Because the father wants to be involved with the child's upbringing.
Isn't that like buying the carton but not eating the burger.
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poor baby i say
Just selfish people who dont really care about the child they are manufacturing.
couldnt agree more dave.
I think its a wrong thing to make a TV program about. So wrong for the child.
"Quite interesting. " - not as interesting as the traditional method. Gawd elp us what next, kids need 2 loving parents not a pre broken home with 2 attention seeking idiots. Madness.
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Its not ideal but I suppose it could be worse.

The girl could just have a one night stand every time she wants another baby resulting in 3 or 4 children who don't even know who their fathers are.

Thats what happens at my grandsons school! He's the only one in his class who's parents are still together! Now that's madness!
Watched a TV programme where they use DNA to trace relatives. Young woman had found out she had been born following a sperm donation. Although brought up in a loving family she still felt the need to know who her "real" father was. In answer to Darcey's question, I feel there could be trouble ahead when the child grows up.
What if the strangers have opposite ideas about parenting? One great parent is better than two opposing ones.
I haven't watched it, though I know that there is hype around it. Honestly speaking, I dodn't like the idea, though I need to watch it first to tall more about my opinion.

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