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maybe true, but wouldn't fancy my chances in the ladies prison, lol
Question Author
It would scare the whattsits off me, there’s some hard women in them , haha
When we started with having to wear face masks, I thought that I could go and rob a bank, but I noticed that all the Tesco checkout girls recognised me, even with a mask on! So, that idea was no good!
hairy armpits and croydon hairdo's, that pulled back look, crikey i have been watching too much tv...
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And tatts galore Em, :0/
forgot about the tatts, yes of their mums....
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I’d survive at least a half an hour
Bookie, wear a wig ;0)))
If you can find a bank!
Question Author
We have a Lloyds here Dave but only with two people in it
On two occasions i had to go into a women's Detention Centre and was subjected to cat calls, whistles and obscene comments............ I rather enjoyed it.
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Sqad they’d scare me coming up against them

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