'My partner and i have been togther for 7 years (although we do not live together), and all of a sudden he asked me to marry him!! I'm so excited as he said he'd never marry again, and ceratinly not me.
I would like to marry in a castle, I have recently inherited a massive amount of money and so money is not an object. My partner has suggested we open a bank account together so that this will be easier. He has also applied for a passport recently, I'm asuming so we can marry abroad.
So other than a wedding abroad or in a castle I really have no clue at all what to do! Any suggestions from you happily marrieds out there?
capper, yes we obviously are that horrible we'd think she'd make it up.
Why ask on here, if she couldnt believe her friends and family why listen to any possible answers given on AB
The question wasnt 'is this man taking me for a ride?' but 'where shall i get married?'
Im sorry but my opinion of wind-up still stands. others may change their minds
Thanks for that Capp. You may think it's funny to abuse this system but it's people like you who make people suspicious of those like me who genuinely need the advice.
Tiny please listen to yourself ,7 years ,now getting married, money, passport please if this isnt a joke it should be. You cannot really be thinking about this situation. If it is true than I am very very sorry for you and would make him wait another 7 years until I had spent all the money you have got.Then see if he wants to marry you !. Brenda
Assuming you are on the level Tiny,and sadly I don't really think you are, get married by all means, just not legally. Tell him you love the idea of being his wife but that silly bits of trivial paper mean nothing to you, you think that the only true bond a woman and man can have is one that they swear between themselves and make an arrangement to just say vows to each other on a beach somewhere or something and have a celebration afterwards. That'll sort out what his motives are.And don't get a joint account.