Hi Loggy
My daughter is going into a day clinic next tuesday to have six of her molars removed.
Like you, we were absolutely moritfied!!!! and always ensure that her teeth are brushed and cleaned each morning and night without fail... and we try (as much as we can) to stop her having too maky sugary things, like yourself.
The more people i have spoken to since we have known about my daughter the more common it seems. I know of a number of children that have had anything from 2,4,6 teeth removed.
I'm absolutely dreading next tuesday as my daighter has to go in and be aneasthetised as she needs six out!!
My daughter kept on getting abseces, and was really in a lot of pain, and once that happens , the dentist generally decides that the teeth have to come out..... although i dont seem to remember it being like that in my days.
My nephew however, had teeth extradcted when he was younger, and now his second teeth are excellent. He hasnt any fillings in them and at 14 years of age i think thats good going, Where as my elder nephe had better milk teeth and yet has 2 fillings in his second teeth.