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What's For Dinner Later

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LadyCG | 11:42 Sat 22nd May 2021 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
I fancy a posh sandwich. Some inspiration here, but please feel free to add your own.


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I'm probably going to get suspended for this by some biased mod, but I don't really care...

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Well, Choux, when you've spent months being stalked and being on the receiving end of someone's bitter malice, you don't feel any sympathy for them when their identity is exposed.
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Question Author
I've never held any malice or stalked anyone on here.

Shame on anyone who tries to defend the actions of a stalking troll.
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Question Author
And I don't care for the tone of yours, or the troll who has stalked me on here for years on end in various guises.

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I'm so glad you approve. Have an excellent day.
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Question Author
Just her nature, Emmie. Why she has to use a fake account is beyond me though.

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What's For Dinner Later

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