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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:35 Tue 25th May 2021 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
morning everyone, i hope you are well, and that you have a good day, its not looking too bright at the moment, the forecast predicts more showers, ok for the gardeners, not so good to go out in perhaps.


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Morning, sunny and bright here this morning, I’m off into town to speak to a manager at John n Lewis’s on behalf of my daughter, she bought her friend a pair of Pearl ( her birthstone) and swarovski earrings for her coming 50th on June1st ,she got then on their online store, the pins at the back were bent, emails later they sent her another pair which were same , no CS when she emailed them yet again so her being at work and me being a lady of leisure? I’ll take them into the store, they were £75 and she’d want to post them to London about now to her friend
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morning Bobbi
Morning Emmie
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at least it gives you something to do.
Good morning all!
We could do with it drying out, now.
Take care.
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morning Chip
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we could i agree, you take care...
Good morning everybody.
I can always find something to do Emmie , I’m off out after the town , my Tuesday at the pub has started again , yippee
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that's good, have a nice drink. enjoy your day too
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morning Paddy
Morning everyone x
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morning smow...
Hope everyone is ok x

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Good Morning Early Birds

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