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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:09 Sat 05th Jun 2021 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
morning everyone, its a very humid start to the day, its what's keeping me awake,
so coffee on, the few chores are sorted, so will see how the day pans out, especially as it was such a miserably wet day yesterday, here's hoping today is sunny and warm. I hope you all have a great day whatever you have planned.


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at least you get to see her now, no matter the circumstances.
true....I'm trying to avoid going anywhere near the target called Falmouth.

On the G7 score, so what do the authorities in their infinite wisdom do - start work on resurfacing the Tamar Bridge (£6 mln) and total chaos broke out in Saltash yesterday - why, oh why didn't they do this during lockdown? 'Yes let's disrupt G7 and the holiday season' - as it's supposed to last until September. Makes the work on the roundabout a mile from here look trivial but that was bad enough.
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why Falmouth? sounds like someone didn't liase with another, shoddy communication.
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its still cloudy and i can't tell yet what the weather is going to do, i sincerely hope its better than the rainfall yesterday, its not cold, but humid. I will make a sojourn to the local for a drink later if the sun gets his hat on... mates are away glamping, so will be on my onesome, but i don't mind that, will have a book to keep me company.
Good morning everybody.
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morning Paddy
Happy Saturday folks, sun is shining, a beautiful blue sky another warm day ahead
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morning Bobbi, i hope you are right...
Looks like it was a bit wet yesterday in the capital ( when I watched the news)
Good morning all !
Looks like the rain has gone, and the sun has returned, very welcome too!
Take care
Emmie, £125 for all that treatment that takes about 2-3 hours seems normal to me living in West Berkshire.
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morning Zylaphone
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morning Chip,

not sure i will go for it 125 quid is a lot of money for one hair do
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it rained all day Bobbi, i did take the brolly so didn't get wet.
Morning all
I have to agree with zylaphone that's probably on the cheap side for round here. If you can find a mobile hd it will probably be cheaper.

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Good Morning Early Birds

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