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There Seems To Be A Lot Of Obscure, Unintelligible Posts Recently.

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dave50 | 08:46 Mon 07th Jun 2021 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
I can't even be bothered to read them fully.


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// perhaps he changed his mind and removed it himself.//

erm yeah - the mods show er moderation - for some reason a post of mine offended a vet - even tho it as about my father's experiences on a death march in Jan 1945 - - on an armistice day thread and I made 45 requests for removal. It'll be there after I die

isnt there one author who demands instant condign vapourisation if their name is mentioned ? I dont know anything anymore
Thank you for that.
^That to pixie.
I'm not sure what happened to danny's thread either. It might be worth checking with the Ed to see if its removal was deliberate or a genuine mistake.
It's fair, naomi.
I did, Jim. And got roundly ignored. At least maybe a list of "not to be spoken about subjects" might be useful?
You and I disagreed, I know, but I don't believe there was anything against the rules there?
perhaps it's me but this thread seems to have become 'obscure' . . .

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