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Can’t Sleep Due To Heat....

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Smowball | 02:48 Tue 15th Jun 2021 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Anyone else?? It’s so humid!


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Gone from one of the wettest Mays on record to this lol
Yep! It's been nice though to spend the weekend's in the garden & have meals out there.
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Do you have a big garden eleanour??
Large -ish back lawn Smow. It's having the time to spend out there, weekends is about it.
its humid and so i finally gave in and got up a while ago.
what we really need to make it a tad cooler is some rain. That should stop it being so humid.
Get a fan. We’ve got about 6 going around in our house.
Buy them up dead cheap in the winter. For now, wear cotton and have a cold shower
will leave open the front door later on, that usually brings the temp down a bit.
I find it's often cooler indoors than out. Last Wed/Thurs was very bad for humidity but it seems more tolerable now. Either I've acclimatized or the heat has dissipated a lot of the moisture.

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Can’t Sleep Due To Heat....

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