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Now There’s A Thing :0)

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Bobbisox1 | 11:48 Tue 22nd Jun 2021 | ChatterBank
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`oh know it's a sign it's the end of the world, everyone send me all your cash.
must have been yesterday?
Was that yesterday...
I bet numerologists love it.
Yes, yesterday and it's been all over FB.
Toradamus predicted that centuries ago.
Except that it's wrong. 9:21 is the 21st minute of the 22nd hour. It should be 8:20.
We're in week twenty-five and to-day is 22nd June.

The, "21st day of the 21st week" makes no sense.
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Oh bu&&a and I missed it :0((((
"Toradamus predicted that centuries ago."

Not the first time that "Toradamus" was wrong...
so carrying on the theme from JD we missed it by over a year! It should be 20:20 on 13-June 2020. A lot of people thought the new millennium started on 1/1/2000 too!
As 2001 was the first year of the 21st Century, this year, 2021 is the 21st year of the 21st Century.
also, according to my calendar we are not in week 21
Correct, CBL and BN.
We're in week twenty-five.
TTT is also correct in that the 21st century / 3rd millennium began on 1 January 2001.

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Now There’s A Thing :0)

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