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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 04:48 Wed 30th Jun 2021 | ChatterBank
47 Answers
morning everyone, another early start but its light already and the day is underway.
I hope that you are all well and that you have a good day whatever you may be doing.


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is serena out then?
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i just looked at the tennis site, what a shame, injured already and then had a bad fall, so many are crashing to the ground on these slippy courts.
Morning paddy.

It's a risk of first week and grass.....the covered courts more prone to it. There's always a few that go! As Cash said, there are three phases, slide all over the place, then the centre of the court dries and one has to watch the sides and then, week 2, it becomes a dust bowl.
okay time for ablutions, I think, things to be done today.
have a good one, all....
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bye Dtc, have a good day
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i have to wait till PO opens at 9, i wish they were open now, could get out very early and back to spend the afternoon watching the tv. I must say that what i have watched of the tennis has been excellent. Murray still looks somewhat fragile, i hope he does well.

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Good Morning Early Birds

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