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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 04:45 Fri 02nd Jul 2021 | ChatterBank
51 Answers
morning all, its another early start, i am unable to get back to sleep so the day is off and running, i hope that your day is a good one, whatever you may be doing.


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oh i see, sorry....
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i feel like that now, its starting to catch up with me, perhaps i will get some fresh air later and wake up a bit.
Morning birdies, how horrid for you(s) that are insomniacs, the night I was up with Lola killed me,the after effects were felt for the next 3 nights with me sleeping almost 10 hours to catch up
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morning Bobbi,
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i can't seem to stop it, go to sleep, wake three hours later as i did last night, went back to sleep till 2am, seems to be the time i sleep till.
by the way, not sure you saw my thread yesterday to say thanks for putting me onto George at ASDA, as i ordered the shorts from them, they came yesterday....
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i am going out later for a walk, unless it rains, i will pop into the local hairdressers and see when they can fit me in. I know its going to be mega expensive, but the other salons don't do perms which is what i want, as my hair is quite fine and doesn't hold a style well without it. its going to be over a 100 quid i do know that much.
Morning Emmie, No I didn’t see your post , I was busy most of yesterday , 1st of the month I sort out bills etc online make sure all is in order , pleased you got them x
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i have bought some other bits and pieces, good prices on all their stuff.
I like George @Asda stuff, all well made Emmie
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yes it is, i have a delivery from them later on.
if you had a person come to your house it's probably be cheaper

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Good Morning Early Birds

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