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"One Would Like . . .

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Buenchico | 13:37 Thu 08th Jul 2021 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
. . . a gin and Dubonnet". Oh, and a packet of pork scratchings with a pickled egg in it too, if you could please, landlord":



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What is going on with the sleeves of Bill Roache's jacket? Is there some fashion trend I am unfamiliar with???
Whether you're Royalist or Republican, you've got to admire the old girl at her age gadding about as she does, and in so doing giving pleasure to thousands of people.

Good on you Liz.
She's impressive.
And there's Gail, I thought she was in Thailand !

Lovely smiles from our Queen as usual.
Indeed, Canary. HM was probably pleased to meet people more of her age (albeit with more wrinkles) :D
She’s one helluva lady , love her
We seem to be seeing more warm smiles from the Queen just lately. I know she must still be grieving but perhaps a weight of worry has been lifted since DoE's death.
I wouldn't wish pork scratchings on anyone - they are vile!
I was party to another famous queen visiting the Rovers, when Culture Club were filming in the next studio and Boy George wanted a look into the Rovers, so of course, we all went with him.

He really wanted a picture of him pulling a pint with Bet Lynch next to him, but Granada were having none of it - unsurprisingly!!!
I love me a packet or two of pork scratching
I tend to agree with you, Tilly. Had the same thought myself. It is lovely to see :)
Thank you, Choux.

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