My daughter is 50 in a couple of weeks and I’ve done a Hamper with Mac makeup, every sun cream and after sun imaginable as they’re going on holiday to Mijas on Aug 1st hopefully , good nail varnishes and a nail Polish drier , a beautiful silver bracelet she wanted , loads of extras like cotton wool balls and pads, also a memory box engraved with her name,DOB,hospital where she was born and how much she weighed, I filled this with ‘special photos ‘ , can anyone think of anything else I could add@.
I did a photo album for my daughter. I still haven’t seen her since Christmas 2019. Put pictures from the day she was born, her weight chart from clinic, tickets from when we went to Disney, pics of her with her grandparents as she spent many weekends with them. Wedding was a bit dodgy as she is divorced! Just her life up to 50. My granddaughter sad she cried! I also sent flowers.