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Which Bank

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darkstar | 21:17 Fri 08th Sep 2006 | Business & Finance
9 Answers
My daugther-in-Law is about to start her own business.
Which Bank would you recommened for a Business account.....thanks


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Speaking as a finance broker who has relationships with all of the banks at varying levels, I can honestly say that they are all much of a muchness.

She really needs to sit down with a business manager and see who she gets on with best.

They are all offering pretty similar deals with regards free banking, and I feel that the relationship she has with a bank manager is more important than the few quid a month on bank charges.

Obviously it also depends on if she is looking for many facilities (overdraft / loan etc)

I would really, really, really recommend against any form of telebanking for business accounts.
i have a lloyds tsb account!! i have been told that the royal bank of scotland is maybe one of the best to be with?

but as oneeyedvic say's..they are all much the same!! the best thing i could reccomend is to have meetings with them all and ask what they can offer her!!
sorry ,forgot to add that my bank manager is crap!!
My OH and his brother have used the Royal Bank of Scotland for a business account for around 20 years now. Say no more.
Royal Bank of Scotland...well it does pay my pension!!
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Many thanks, I will pass it on
A good friend of mine is with Hfax/BOS and is charged forever single transaction (even on a new account - none of this introductory cheapness for her!). Abbey, last time I walked past, had a poster saying that they offered free business banking.

Shop around
oops - that should read, "for every single transaction".
Try Abbey, free business banking but has certain criterias. We have never had any bank charges as yet. Been with them 3 years. One thing though, It's internet based. All transactions are via post or hole in the wall! Still worth it.

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