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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 04:51 Wed 11th Aug 2021 | ChatterBank
57 Answers
morning all, i hope you are well and in good spirits, do you have any plans for the day?
i am getting the flat tidied, cleaned for friends who are coming to a late lunch on saturday, it's amazing how much work there is to do, as i like to think i am a good hostess and am preparing a cold feast for them. I have ordered loads of goodies for delivery tomorrow and hope that sainsburys don't let me down with missing items off my order as they did the other day.


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morning Danny xx

got hedge cut the weather is unsettled...will be floors..ironing and inside windows..then flop !
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i might just flop, as my side is hurting too much and seriously don't know what the weather is likely to do.
still warm..but overcast and rain showers..some very heavy between sunshine..
Good morning all!
The weather turned out fine yesterday, which enabled me to mow the grass areas, but I must say, it was tough going. I could do with more of the same, to get some weeding done.
Hope the Sun shines for you.
Take care.
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it might be the same down here Minty... the cloud is breaking up to reveal some blue sky, so who knows..
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morning Chip, take care...
morning Chip xx
best go run roon shower..see you later xx
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have a lovely day Minty...
Morning everyone. Was a warm, bright sunny day here yesterday but not so sure about today. Hope it stays dry as lots of washing to go out.
Have just put the rubbish bags in field gateway waiting for bin men.
Stupid person in lane yesterday would neither reverse or move over. I'm squashed in the green stuff, as was the vehicle behind me, and he sat there looking at me as though I was simple-minded. Crawled past me in the end but he did have to move over. Only had to reverse about 8/10 yards to wide passing place. Didn't know where his reverse was. I try to exercise patience.
Bye Minty. Have a good day.
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morning LJ
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how are you today LJ?
Bins out and now washing to put on line. Hope it stays dry.

How are you?
Time for me to be moving. Hope you all have a good day.
Stafe safe and stay well.
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in pain sadly, right side of my body from hip down, i will take some paracetamol shortly and see if they help, i must have slept badly 4 nights ago because i am still like it.
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you take care LJ....

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Good Morning Early Birds

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