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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 04:46 Sat 21st Aug 2021 | ChatterBank
114 Answers
morning all, the weekend is here, anyone have anything planned for it, if you are working then i hope it goes quickly and that you don't get too stressed. There is another picnic tomorrow, which i will go to, but also meeting up with a friend for a drink in the local tavern. So that just leaves today. no idea what i feel like doing, though it would be nice if the sun came out, which it hasn't much of late, so i could sit in the gardens locally and chill out.


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it may be the inevitable intervention Bobbi and perhaps it would not be such a bad thing..such a shame
I’ve asked her if we could get someone in to have a chat with her, she’s adamant that’s not going to happen
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my brothers next door neighbour is exactly the same Bobbi, she drinks wine though, and has had more serious accidents than i can list.
Her sister in law is good ( his sister) calls frequently but even then she asks her to get her two bottles of gin , then the day after will ask my son in law to get the same
no point in pursuing the matter will only drive a wedge between you... but I suspect things will be taken in hand by authorities before too long..others must have noticed too
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somehow she needs help, heavy drinking is one thing but now is an alcoholic and they don't end well. Shame as she is or was a good friend Bobbi.
She still is Emmie, I kinda of feel responsible for her and sorry it’s come to this , she’s very well off and I’ve told her to spend her money ,enjoy her life but that’s not going to happen either I’m afraid
sometimes you just have to step back Bobbi.. before the worry has an effect on you...
Minty the last words her husband said to us ( me and my husband) when we went to see them and he was in the final stages of his bowel cancer were
“ I’m worried about her, will you see that she’s alright?
Those words had a profound effect and I feel I need to be there for her
anyway..oh is here in his pants...why do I buy him dressing gowns ?? best wriggle on..have a lovely afternoon Bobbi..and all...xx
just caught that Bobbi... I understand completely..but just you mind your own peace of mind and health too..take very good care xx
Thank you, see ya ( waves) have a grand day xxx
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take care Minty, have a good day...
Good morning all!
Enjoy the day.
Take care.

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Good Morning Early Birds

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