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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 04:58 Sat 02nd Oct 2021 | ChatterBank
76 Answers
morning all, its another early start, i hope you are all well and in good spirits, the weekend is here again, the time just flies by doesn't it.....
i have no plans other than tomorrow, i am off to the local church where they are holding a lunch after the service, which i won't be attending, as a non believer it would be hypocritical to do so, so i will take my little contribution to the feast.


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Morning, I’m snotty and sneezy , came on yesterday but I can still function normally thankfully, had a lovely night at my daughters where we had a small memorial for our late friend , we ran videos of all our holidays and times out showing her dancing anc having fun, my daughter laid on a buffet, Cathy would of loved the music and laughter we did in her honour
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morning Bobbi
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its this changeable weather, its cold, grey, the forecast isn't good.
Morning everyone x
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morning smow
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how are you?
Still in hospital - fed up to the eyeballs now! But hoping to escape on Monday morning!! They are so short staffed here it’s insane!
I’ve got a busy afternoon/evening ahead , going to a ‘ Prosecco ‘ hen do at4 pm ( won’t be having any ) then to my husbands brothers diamond wedding ‘ drop in’ at their sons house , meeting up at the pub with his two sisters and their husbands at 5-30 , then going to David’s around 6-30ish
Morning Smow, I hope you’re feeling much better x
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why are you still in hospital? -

sounds like fun Bobbi...
I’ll need to wear a mask most of the day and stand in a quiet corner when I’m having a drink hahaha
Morning bobbi - why no Prosecco for you? X
Pancreatitis flare up sadly - it’s just down to pain management now. They’ve re scanned me and pancreas isn’t any bigger but inflammation hasn’t gone down either. So on regular drips of fluids, vitamins, little amounts of food…… they’ll have a ward named after me soon!! It’s a real eye opener tho guys-being in here so much in last month - 23 days in, escaped home for 10 days then back in. Just watching how the day runs here, what all the staff do etc - honestly they all deserve medals. You have to end up making daft jokes with them whether you’re in pain or not as it makes the day go quicker, and gives them the odd smile. One nurse has decided that the stand that she hangs my drip bags on is my ‘dog’ lol, so when she had to borrow it for an hour yesterday for another patient she brought it back and said I’ve walked the dog & he’s fed and watered. I said I hope she gave him his treats too. All complete nonsense for two grown women but it made her giggle for 5 mins.
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sorry to hear that you are still poorly smow, get well soon.
Good Morning All!
Not so early, I know.
Take care
Thanks Emmie. Morning chip……!
No Prosecco as I’m out later as well Smow :0)

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