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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 04:47 Thu 28th Oct 2021 | ChatterBank
92 Answers
morning, Thursday and the days are rolling by, it is almost the end of the working week for some.. I hope you are all well, if not then you have my sympathies. I still haven't heard from the Orthopedic team about my knee problems, but i guess that the backlog has to be dealt with first. It's going to get a little cooler according to the weather man and so one must wrap up warm. Do you have any plans for today, anything exciting?


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perhaps my funny bone has gone astray this morning...
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the sky is a dirty grey colour, looks like rain maybe on the way after all. I have no plans as said but perhaps lunch out might be on the cards if its not raining hard all day.
I think it is a question of 'good luck with the weather' today - having said that, I wouldn't want to be in Cumbria which took a battering of 280mm in the last 24 hours - whereabouts I don't know but it will be one of the major towns of the area - At the top of Patterdale, they can easily see such figures and they average nearly 1500mm a year. Great for the local ducks....
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Cumbria gets a lot of rain the whole year round, it's why they have the lakes and it's green or muddy depends on where you like going.
The o/h loved the Lake District with a passion and walked up many or most of the mountains like Helveyllen.
Good morning everybody.
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morning Paddy
Good Morning All!
Who knows where the time go's!?
My arms, a bit achy from yesterday's jab, but I'm sure it will fade.
See you later.
Take care
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morning chip
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take care Chip...
So glad I don't have a mother inlaw DT.
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me neither 1ozzy...
We are both blessed Emmie, some way or another;-/

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Good Morning Early Birds

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