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The Good Fight

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Peter Pedant | 19:02 Thu 28th Oct 2021 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers
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This is the post quel to the Good Wife which had the sister in ER - Julianna Margulis as the wife of a philandering mayor AND a lawyer herself. But she sortta said, she gotta enough moolah and left, and they carried on without her.


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I was wondering how they'd handle lack of Trump but they handle it very well :-)))
We've only got 3 episodes left here for watching, it's a brilliant programme with more than one laugh out loud moment :-D
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They got Trump election wrong - and had tipped Hillary and so had to rejig the first episode of the last series

Julius getting pardoned by the outgoing Trump was a point that never occurred to me
I'd forgotten all about Julius to be honest.
January 6th is giving Diane a fit of the vapours in a couple of episodes.
(I love Christine Baranski (sp) )
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oh I thought that was the first episode ( on last night channel 4 or 5)

I clearly have some catching up to do. Very nicely scripted but I thought Persica's covid was terrible - he gets up and walks at one point, unaided....

Covi Boomi - OK Jumbo Cush - was good - I thought her cockney accent was - - - subtle - Like Dick van Dyke's....I wonder if I wd hesitate if someone offered me $1.5m a year. Cush ( or Jumbo ) is now leading in the west end I think
Episode one giving the monthly ''headlines'' was pretty clever imo. Daren't say much more due to spoilers (I daren't say any more but will only ask have you seen the film 'The Princess Bride'? )

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