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It’s A Very Wet Saturday Where I Am, You?

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Bobbisox1 | 11:19 Sat 30th Oct 2021 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
Tipping it down here , thankfully too high up for any flooding though


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Is it true you suvverners are getting the sun and leaving us poor Norveners getting drenched?
12.04 spoke too soon. Tipping it down once more.
Hammering down as I went for a paper about 8:15, roads like rivers. If I'd waited 15 minutes it had cleared and now the sun is out (as is my washing).
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Maggie please go and get a giant tarpaulin, lay it North to West of Scotland to stop us getting it after yous haha
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Where are you ggoalie?
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Oooh lovely part of the world goalie
Like Pasta it hammered down in the night, the noise woke me up by since about 9am it's been blue skies with the odd wispy cloud (Dorset).
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Tsk,tsk so it’s just us Hardy lot up here then ?
It's cos we are in the Beautiful South (west) Prudie ;)
Another beautiful day. Blue skies, sunshine and a few wisps of cloud. Unseasonably warm.
Bodes well for lining the bridge in the village centre with pumpkins this evening.
Mind you, if the forecast is right and the storms and thunder arrive tonight the pumpkins may end up in the river....think I'd better put a rock in the bottom of mine.
It has been pouring here this morning in Norfolk but the afternoon is now blue sky and sunny.

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It’s A Very Wet Saturday Where I Am, You?

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