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Justin Welby

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grumpy01 | 09:07 Tue 02nd Nov 2021 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
What is this man thinking of when likening failure to act on global warming to the Holocaust.I see he apologised after but surely this man should consider his position.


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"Oily" Welby, of course, is the man who worked for eleven years in senior posts in the oil industry, overseeing exploration projects in the North Sea and Africa.

"Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth." (Luke Ch.15 v10).
i don't like him, can't put my finger on why, but i just don't care for his sermonising.
I am sure he has and thought
i still like being archbish of C

think of all the slips on AB - we dont say severely
you should be thinking of your positions

( and that even includes the shock statistic that 34% of Abers think the great war ended with the battle of waterloo in 1915)
// but i just don't care for his sermonising.//

a bishop who sermonises..... heavens what will God think of next !

is like a woman preaching ( said Dr Johnson )
a dog walking on its back legs - the surprise is not that it is done well but that it is done at all
Oily welby....
yes I thought of that
his dean and confessor, said
Let me pout oil on troubled waters.....
troubled welbies

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