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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:39 Thu 04th Nov 2021 | ChatterBank
116 Answers
morning, Thursday already, where is the time going. I hope that you are all well and that your day is a good one whatever you might have planned. I am a little bit earlier than normal, as i have been awake since around 3am, which i will pay for later i expect.


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Good morning everyone. A lovely pink dawn today.
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morning LJ
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its a grey/blue start to the day sky wise...
Morning all - over-slept this morning - was awake at 4 but thought that this was too early and went back to sleep!
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morning Dtc, late for you, been on the razzle?
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anything planned for today dtc?
No, not on the razzle - one pint with supper and I was back to watch Rick Stein on Shanghai, having lived there for 3.5 years - found it a bit schizo but maybe that's the city - and it was all a little superficial.
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i find him rather odd, not very televisual nor a good host.
I haven't minded him, his weekends away and programmes on France have been fine but this wasn't his best. He's a lot better at programme making than his restaurant food....!
Can't stand him so never watch him but it takes all sorts and let those that like him watch him.
Morning LJ x
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Bobbi whilst you are on line, so i guess we can meet up i will wait by the ticket stand right by the London Eye Monday 8th at 11am, i will keep an eye out as it were in case you join the queue.
Okeydoke Emmie x
Morning Bobbi. Are you all packed and ready for your trip? I went on the Eye fairly soon after it was erected and enjoyed my trip. Gondola all to myself and a clear day. Wanted to go round again but had other things to do.
Hope you enjoy your trip/s.
I’m sure I will ,really looking forward to the concert in the RAH x
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i am sure it will be great Bobbs...

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