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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:41 Thu 11th Nov 2021 | ChatterBank
76 Answers
morning, Thursday already, almost the end of the working week for some. I hope that you have a good day and are as well as can be. Anything planned for today? -


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i hope you have a rest afterwards LJ, don't overdo it...
Good morning everybody.
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morning Paddy
Good morning, the sky has a lovely pink hue to it as the sun is rising
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morning Bobbi
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its dull and grey down here... oh well never mind.
Morning Emmie xx
Always resting thank you emmie. Usually I would be called lazy but resting sounds pleasanter. Morning Bobbi. Have a good day.

Time for me to go now so bye all.
Question Author
bye LJ, have a restful day
Morning Danny

Morning Bobbi xx hopefully fully recovered from your exertions in the Big Smoke?

Time for me to be moving if I'm to get to 'Cambarrn' - heard a dreadful story of someone from Redruth down there and in the main street who collapsed. The police carted him off to their nick on Pendarves Road thinking he was plastered, the resident quack telling them, 'he's not pished but he's seriously ill with Covid." The bloke ends up in Treliske Hossie for 9 weeks, 3 of which were on a ventilator.... To make matters worse, some barrsteward /dipstick nicked his wallet and mobile when he collapsed. Nice place is Cambarrn, even if the Mater came from there.
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awful story dtc, some scum around that's for sure.
DTC, how awful. There are some truly nasty people around.
I wonder if the thief thought to disinfect his spoils?
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with any luck the toerag will catch it.
Good morning all!

Enjoy your day, and the grey clouds fade away.
Take care
Question Author
morning Chip

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Good Morning Early Birds

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