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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:44 Fri 12th Nov 2021 | ChatterBank
112 Answers
Morning, Friday already, where has the week gone, i hope that you are all well and have a good day whatever you might be doing.


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lol Naomi..I think the "play daft" card is oft used...
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Mr Em was a one off, he had loads of faults but domestic stuff just got done, no quibble
on that note..the wee love is looking for tea.... must show him where the kitchen hides one you later folks..have a great day xx
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bye Minty, have a good day
Bet he won't remember, minty. ;o)
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that's pure laziness, if he expects others to make the tea, clear up after him, i couldn't put up with anyone like that.
talking about 'forgetting' things, I'd better be off and go and recover at DT and a cup of coffee, then the day really begins. Have a good one, all.
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it's probably why i have stayed single,
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bye Dtc, have a better day....
Bye DTC.
Good morning,still darkish out there
He'll do whatever I ask him to do, Emmie - pull heavy furniture out for cleaning, clean windows, and he's a great cook (even though he uses practically every pot and pan in the kitchen to boil an egg ... and leaves a trail of destruction in his wake for the galley slave to sort out).

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Good Morning Early Birds

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