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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:47 Sat 13th Nov 2021 | ChatterBank
99 Answers
morning, Saturday already, the week has flown by. I hope you are all well and in good spirits.
anyone have any plans for the day? Apart from a phone call from a friend this morning i have no other plans. But that could change dependent on the weather. A friend has invited me to brunch tomorrow, which is something to look forward to.


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Would you believe we had a one in the garden Keter Naomi , the photo was an AO size , it was handy my son in laws trade is that of a painter and decorator so he trimmed it to fi the frame we had

Great! (What's a keter?).
morning Bobbi xx awww it will be a sad day...

morning Naomi xx
It’s one of those large hard bodied garden storage thingys haha
morning naomi and bobbi xx
Morning Minty, sad but happy as we exchange story’s of him x
Morning DT I hope your feeling much better now
largely over the cold...what a snorter that was!
Apparently so, I’ve a few pals who’ve had it x
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glad you are feeling better dtc, get on..see you later folks xx
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bye Minty, have a great day
Bye Minty , keep -a - had , hinny :0))
have a good one minty, xx

Same here as to 'skates on' so have a lovely day.
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bye Dtc, have a good day.
thanks minty. I've never heard that word.
Good morning all!
Take care
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morning Chip

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Good Morning Early Birds

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