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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:40 Thu 18th Nov 2021 | ChatterBank
91 Answers
morning, Thursday and the working week for some is almost over. I hope that you are as well as can be and that your day is a good one.


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bye dtc, have a good day...
Good morning all!
A lovely day yesterday, I even saw a grass snake in the garden, basking in the morning sun.
Today looks like the start of something good too.
Take care
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morning Chip
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cold and crisp, sunny too
Good morning.
Pot holing? Oh my lordy. My son had some friends who did that when he was a teenager. I said no, you’re not going. He might have missed out on an amazing experience, or he might have been dead. Underground scares me.
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morning Jo
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me too, i don't even like the tube,
Me too, Emmie. I keep my back to the wall until I have to get on the train. I can’t even go into basements. The Chilean miners nightmare gave me the heebie jeebies until they were all out.
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i am always scared on the tube - that someone will jostle me and i end up on the track, or being jammed into a small space does nothing for me.
I always think someone might shove me onto the track
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as has happened Jo, there are some crazy people out there, not to mention being bombed by fruitcakes like the Islamic fundamentalists. I was just round the corner when the one went off on the bus, frightening thought

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Good Morning Early Birds

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