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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:32 Fri 10th Dec 2021 | ChatterBank
116 Answers
morning, Friday already, the end of the working week for some. I am awake earlier than normal,
as I can't get back to sleep, so i hope if anyone is around you can keep me company. I hope you are all in fine fettle, if not you have my sympathy, and that you have as good a day as possible.
As I will be out tomorrow and Sunday, I am going to have a quiet day today, can't have too much excitement now can we.....


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morning Dtc
Morning DTC x
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much improved, needs to be dtc
We get the dogs back this evening, the cats did not appreciate being put in baskets to move home I have so rather nasty scratches!
Bollinger is currently wandering around sniffing with her little kitty legs stomping on the wooden floor, piper is hiding behind the washer and Brice is as always glued to my side!
The biggest adjustment for us will be 1 bathroom, we have had his and hers for the last 12 years!
morning DT xx
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time for a shower back shortly....
Much improved DT?
Your beloved team is being slaughtered so far.
But, the competition has a few more days to run.
Nothing quite like cat scratches RH - I feel your pain lol.
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are you going to take it easy today smow, get some much needed sleep perhaps
time to wriggle see you later xx
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bye Minty, don't work too hard
Bye minty.
Emmie - yes I am. Am chilling upstairs in bed with iPad and cup of tea. Am going to do a couple of the Xmas presents left to get online, and if I doze off for half hour then even better, but nothing to rush about for thank god.
Well, that's the shower done and now the DT and coffee quest....

Ozzy - at least it's a fightback - the crucial session is tomorrow morning your time with the new ball due after 7 overs - if England could get through this, then there may be a match on as the pitch could well deteriorate late tomorrow/day's no longer a massive odds-on that you will win...
Have a good one, all....
I have never considered myself accident prone but in the last 3 days I have had a hot water bottle exploded on my leg, another over fill and burn my hand badly, the cat scratches are nasty and need an eye kept on them, I am covered in bruises and I don’t know why and on top of that the worst bout of sciatica I have ever had!
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bye dtc, have a good day

RH, seems you are in the wars, hopefully things will improve for you in the coming days

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Good Morning Early Birds

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