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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:11 Wed 29th Dec 2021 | ChatterBank
53 Answers
Morning Wednesday already the days are going fast. I hope that you are well and your day is a good one


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Morning dt c
Question Author
Morning bobbi
How’s you Lj, well I hope ?
They’re definitely keeps Naomi
Fine thanks Bobbi. (I think so)
morning Lady xx DT xx Bobbi xx
I sometimes get offered a cuppa in the afternoon. Does that count?
mine has yet to discover that room we call kitchen !!
I'll have to sign off, the internet is bouncing in and out faster than Emma Raducanu's tennis game - bring on Open Reach to fit the socket to the line a week today.... Have a good one all
Question Author
Bye dtc
bye DT xx the said oh has go get the tea ! lol see you later have the best of days folks xx
Bye DT.

Bye Minty.

Bye all. OH has woken up.
Question Author
Bye minty lj have a good day
Good morning all!
stay as safe as possible.
take care

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Good Morning Early Birds

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